Restoring potency with folk remedies often leads to a better result than taking expensive drugs. The statistics for this problem are not very good. Many men who are faced with it simply close in themselves, others are ready to pay fabulous money for visiting doctors and conducting a series of procedures and tests, forgetting that you can restore male strength with potions and drugs usedin the days of our grandparents.

Folk recipes
How to restore male strength using simple folk recipes? One of the most common and effective methods is the course of a bath with a bay leaf decoction:
- First, they should be boiled at the rate of 50 grams per 0. 5 liters of boiling water.
- As soon as the broth is infused, pour it into a warm bath.
- Along with it, you should add chamomile decoction, which is recommended based on the same proportions - 50 g of grass per 0. 5 liters of water.
- Baths should be taken every day before going to bed, for at least 10-14 days.
There is another way to use a bay leaf - fill it with cold water and insist for 12 hours, then add it to the bath and take it in the same way. The meaning of the laurel decoction is to relax the muscles and relieve the tension, as a result of which the man has problems with potency.
Ice packs:
- Finely grated ice is wrapped in 5 layers of gauze.
- It is then applied to the neck, chest and scrotum - this should be done sequentially, staying at each point for a minute.
- It is necessary to repeat the manipulations 3-5 times.
- In this way, blood circulation is activated, which helps to improve the sexual function of men.
An effective restorative agent is a mixture of natural honey and walnuts. It is easy to prepare:
- Take walnuts and honey in equal proportions.
- Mix crushed walnut with honey and take 3-4 times a day half an hour after meals.
- The course of treatment is a month of daily intake.
- If necessary, you can repeat it a few months after completing the previous one.
- This drug also has a preventive effect, which is why it is recommended for use by men over 40 years of age.

Figs in any form have a good effect - there are well-founded legends and superstitions that tell about physically strong and strong men. Their male power also affects potency, and it is figs that help them maintain it. Fresh, dried, cooked in the form of jam - in all forms, it perfectly copes with the problem.
Few people know that since ancient times men have been treated with a simple medicine. Turnips are boiled in a liter of milk, fresh carrot juice (200 ml) and honey (100 g) are added. They took this medicine in a third of a cup 3-4 times a day for a week.
Aloe to the rescue
How to restore potency is well known to people who have used aloe as a healing agent at least once in their lives. This plant really has many useful properties and also fights well with potency problems.
To use it, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaves and insist in a dark cool place - this way the concentration of nutrients becomes stronger. To prepare the medicine, it is important to take the lower leaves that have managed to accumulate the necessary vitamins and minerals.
- Aloe juice can be mixed with natural cahor and honey - 150 ml of juice is mixed with 400 ml of wine and 300 g of honey. It is necessary to insist this mixture for at least a week and then take a tablespoon three times a day until the product expires.
- The second recipe with aloe is to mix its juice (100 ml) with peeled walnuts (600 g), honey (400 g) and the juice of 5 medium-sized lemons. It is easy to get a biostimulated mixture of these components, which will not only help restore potency, but also increase immunity and warn against other diseases.
Tea to increase potency
Men who regularly drink teas, including herbal ones, will never have problems with potency. In addition to the general strengthening action that tea has, it contains zinc, an indispensable element for increasing potency, and tannin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Green tea is especially different, more precisely, there are several varieties of it:
- Dragon Well - It was discovered in China more than 1000 years ago and is still the national drink today. The content of nutrients is several times higher than that of other varieties, and the high concentration of tannin allows you to effectively restore male strength.
- Pumpkin seeds - the tea with this name was grown at the beginning of the last century and is distinguished by a high content of a number of essential trace elements that contribute to the enrichment of the body with oxygen.

In addition to green tea, it is recommended to use mate, known for its healing properties. As well as herbal preparations:
- A decoction of ginseng root has a strong effect on restoring potency. It is included in all drug charges aimed at solving this problem. But it can be prepared separately, resulting in a more concentrated drink. To do this, you need to insist 100 grams of root in 0. 5 liters of water for 2 days. Then it is boiled on low heat for 4 hours. Finally, add a spoonful of honey and cinnamon. Take the decoction should be for a month, strictly on an empty stomach.
- Thyme is an amazing plant that helps a person in the fight against many diseases. It is much easier to make tea with it - just pour a tablespoon of the steeped herb with a cup of boiling water. Insist and drink.
- Nettle is another helper that saves men. It can be steeped in boiling water and insisted on being consumed straight, or you can buy herbal preparations that include it and drink it instead of tea during the day.
Potency products
Oddly enough, the category of folk remedies also includes some foods that can help restore a man's strength. Between them:
- dairy products - yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, sour-milk drinks, all this has a beneficial effect;
- onion, garlic and turnip - regular use of these simple plants will cure even patients with a neglected form of impotence;
- spices - almost all spices, including elementary parsley, help in the complex treatment of potency;
- fruits - oranges, pomegranates and lemons should be present in a man's diet, if not every day, then at least at regular intervals;
- meat products - the basis of valuable protein is all types of meat, including fish and seafood, so men with weakened potency should consume them daily. In addition, thanks to animal fats, the body begins to intensively produce the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for the strength and quality of sexual intercourse.
General recommendations for saving and restoring
It is realistic to restore potency with folk remedies - you need to use the selected drink or medicine in the right doses without missing doses. And it is easy to improve and speed up their action if you change your lifestyle and start a few good habits:
- Reduce or even completely stop drinking alcohol. Alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect on sexual function. The situation with smoking is similar, since nicotine and harmful resins disrupt the hormonal background, which leads to a decrease in potency;
- the daily contrast shower has a good effect on the circulatory system, contributing to the normalization of potency. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to rub yourself with a towel;
- spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, walking, not sitting on a bench. It will be useful to walk barefoot on stones, asphalt or grass - this increases blood circulation;
- review your diet by reducing the consumption of empty carbohydrates while adding more healthy and nutritious food;
- try to avoid stressful situations and not react to what is happening around - with excessive emotional stress, any treatment will be meaningless.
In folk medicine, there are many remedies that help restore potency. If one of the chosen methods does not help, do not despair - perhaps any other drug will be more effective. However, if a person follows all recommendations, completely eliminates bad habits, stressful situations, has already tried several recipes from traditional medicine and no improvement is observed, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the reasons for the deterioration of male function lie in completely different pathologies.